Wooden pergola with slatted roof for home extension, Knokke

The owners of this idyllic home in Knokke selected a noteworthy feature for their extension: a bespoke, wooden louvered pergola that provides year-round comfort and style. This innovative design enables them to enjoy outdoor life to the fullest, in every season and all weather conditions.

A wooden louvered pergola for a home extension

Adjustable louvers make the wooden pergola with its louvered roof much more than a simple patio canopy. The owners can create exactly the right atmosphere for any occasion. For instance, a cool, shadowy spot for sunny summer days, shelter from inclement weather, or a joyous play of light with the louvers fully opened.

Wooden louvers create a beautiful light effect on a patio

The clean, minimalist design of the wooden louvered pergola adds to the home’s contemporary appeal. Pre-weathered ash is not only a durable option, but also blends in harmoniously with the thatched roof and white walls of the main house. This extension is practical, but also an aesthetic masterpiece that demonstrates perfect synergy between form and function, all in the heart of Knokke.

A harmonious combination of pre-weathered ash, a thatched roof and white walls

If you would like more information about our wooden pergolas with slatted roofs or our modern wood canopies, feel free to contact us!

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